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Neste generasjons billettplattform

Ta billettsalget ditt til et nytt nivå med den nye generasjonen av vår plattform, som omfatter teknologi på bedriftsnivå og en betalingsinfrastruktur for umiddelbare utbetalinger og problemfri salgsadministrasjon.

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Arrangører får umiddelbare utbetalinger for billettsalg direkte til arrangørens konto.

Arrangøren betaler en lisensavgift for hver solgte billett. Vi belaster kun et gebyr når betalingstransaksjonen gjennomføres.

Et pålitelig og raskt billettsystem som er utviklet for å betjene alle typer arrangementer, inkludert stadioner med fra 20 000 til over 100 000 tilskuere.



Hver billett:
$ 0
Per solgte billett
  • +2 % av billettprisene
  • + behandlingsgebyr for kredittkort
Den beste

For EU

Hver billett:
Per solgte billett
  • +2 % av billettprisene
  • + behandlingsgebyr for kredittkort
Den beste

For verden

Hver billett:
$ 0
Per solgte billett
  • +2 % av billettprisene
  • + behandlingsgebyr for kredittkort
Den beste verdensomspennende billettplattform for arrangører av arrangementer

Dyrk og utvid fellesskapet ditt:

  • Utnytt funksjonaliteten i til å bygge databaser over kundene dine på tvers av alle arrangementsstedene dine.
  • Du beholder databasen over billettkjøpere, noe som gjør det mulig å markedsføre nye arrangementer på en effektiv måte.
Få fart på salget:

  • Koble til et ubegrenset antall partnere, og gi hver av dem tilpassede betingelser.
  • Bruk til å administrere betrodde agenter, enkle agenter og en nettkasse.
Utnytt data for å øke inntektene:
  • Optimaliser reklamebudsjettet ditt med appen Reporter, som sporer salg i sanntid.
  • Identifisere effektive kundeanskaffelseskanaler for å maksimere inntektene.
Priskontroll og spenningsoppbygging:

  • Juster billettprisene i sanntid, og åpne/steng salget for bestemte sittegrupper.
  • Planlegg salgsperioder strategisk for å skape begeistring rundt arrangementet.
Engasjer innflytelsesrike bloggere og partnere:

  • Lag unike salgswidgets for hver partner i sosiale medier og på Internett.
  • Analyser salgsdata for hver enkelt partner for å optimalisere effektiviteten i samarbeidet og provisjonsstrukturene.
Øk inntektene med innovative verktøy fra

  • Selge varer, parkeringsplasser og tilby tilleggstjenester til billettkjøpere.
  • Les mer

Selg billetter direkte på nettstedet ditt, via sosiale medier, partnere og agenter.

Lås opp magien: Slik fungerer det:

  • Registrer deg på plattformen og avvent administratorens godkjenning (dette trinnet er for å forhindre bot-registreringer).
  • Integrer bankkontoen din og innløsningen
  • Opprett arrangementene dine ved hjelp av alle nødvendige funksjoner
  • Legg ut billetter for salg på nettstedet ditt og i sosiale medier.
  • Utvide salgsrekkevidden til partnere, bloggere, agenter og influencere.
  • Markedsfør nettstedet ditt og sosiale medier
  • Kontroller sanntidsoppdateringer av alle salg
  • Du kan glede deg over umiddelbare innskudd på kontoen din, ettersom pengene strømmer inn som smurt.


  • Altomfattende funksjoner for din eventvirksomhet
  • Lave kostnader = høyere inntjening på hvert salg
  • Kundene får øyeblikkelig betaling for billettsalget, direkte inn på kontoen.
  • Fullstendig personlig støtte fra ARENASOLDOUT.COMs ekspertteam.
  • Selg direkte via nettstedet ditt og sosiale medier – ingen billettoperatør nødvendig
  • Bygg opp din egen kundedatabase i stedet for å la en billettoperatør gjøre det for deg.
  • Tilby og administrere tilleggsprodukter og -tjenester på en enkel måte.
  • Stor liste over funksjoner for ulike typer eventvirksomhet
  • Salgsanalyser i sanntid gir deg mulighet til å finjustere annonsering og salgskanaler. huser arrangementer i alle størrelser og fasonger.

Omfavn fremtidens billettsalg. - din billettrevolusjon


– Yes, of course you can

– Yes, the organizers instantly receive payment for the sold tickets to their accounts

-Yes, we help and train all clients at the first events so that they start and go through the process of working with a new system pleasantly and quickly

– The organizer pays the platform in 2 stages – before the event for the tickets that have been sold by that moment, and also after the event, the second payment – the balance for what has been sold since the first invoice was issued

– ArenaSoldOut offers all the necessary features for events of any size – from small concerts to large-scale stadium shows. You can also explore a huge list of features for organizers on this site.

-Our very low prices mean more money for the clients from every ticket sold. We use the most powerful object database, which allows us to make millions of transactions per unit of time, so we can offer low prices to the organizers.

Actian NoSQL Object Database is the name of an industrial level object database, better known in the world as Versant Object Database – there is a lot of information about it on the Internet

– We work with any acquiring that the organizer decides. But we mainly work with the Stripe international payment system, which provides acquiring in a large number of countries and works with a huge number of banks that issue cards. In some cases, the organizers use a different acquiring. There are also countries whose residents cannot open Stripe accounts, for example, Israel, Montenegro, Serbia. In these cases, the organizers use another acquiring that is convenient for them.

-Yes, there is a test zone. Many organizers first create an event in a test zone with all the details, check how everything works, correct errors, and then transfer the event to a real zone and open sales

– There are 3 options to choose from:

A) In the functions of the platform there is a function “Make a site on WordPress”. Many organizers use it, quickly start selling on their websites and after that they finalize their personal design, which they can change at any time

B) We have an additional special offer (but for an additional payment) – several ready-made designs of sites already connected to the platform have been developed. There are those who buy it, our freelancers fill these sites with client information, transfer it to the client’s domain, and clients go into sales very quickly. It takes a few days, but it’s additional work from our freelancers, it’s not a platform feature.

C) There are organizers who ask us if we have freelancers who can develop a website for them. Yes, we have. But these are not platform functions, this is also for an additional fee.

You can use any of these options

In some cases, this takes several hours. If you have a large event, for example, in a stadium with seats, this is longer, as work with the seats is necessary.

-If you use the platform features, it takes several hours. And you can start selling tickets. Further, it is already possible to refine the design and the number of hours of work of your designer is not limited by us.

Tickets can be available in any language. Integration of a new language takes only 2 working days after you provide the text. Currently, we have integrated the following languages: English, Indonesian, Czech, Serbian, Russian, Portuguese. Additionally, tickets can be bilingual

Yes, the design and size of tickets can vary, ranging from standard to A4. You can stylishly customize tickets by adding additional information such as logos, images, maps, and textual details

Provide us with venue information (Name, exact address including country and city) and configurations relevant to your events. We’ll create custom layouts based on your specifications, tailored to each event’s unique requirements.


Send us venue details, register on the platform (confirmation sent upon registration), and you can set up your event for sales within an hour. Our support team is ready to assist if needed.

You can independently modify prices throughout the sales cycle using the organizer’s application. Plan a pricing strategy, inform your audience about upcoming price changes to create a sense of urgency, and accelerate ticket sales. Additionally, create various ticket types, promo codes, and discounts at any time.

On the platform, you can create up to 15 different ticket pricing categories. This number is not only sufficient for the needs of small events but is also suitable for managing large stadiums and massive festivals

Absolutely. The organizer support team is always available to assist you.

You can set this up within a day as our platform is fully equipped and + integrated with WordPress. Utilize the functionalities, promote your ticketing system to new clients, and start selling. Additionally, you can use the platform’s features with your own branded design. is a White Label platform, ensuring your business operates under your own brand.

You can adjust prices throughout the sales cycle using the organizer app. Develop a pricing strategy, inform your audience about price increase dates to create a sense of urgency, thereby accelerating ticket sales. Additionally, you can create various ticket types, promo codes, and discounts at any time.

You can utilize up to 15 ticket category options, which is sufficient even for managing large stadiums and massive festivals.

You have full control over your events on the platform. All actions within the platform are performed independently by you. The only operation our managers handle is entering about venue: the country, city, and venue plan onto the platform. Everything else, you can do and change yourself.

Yes, either freelancers or other specialists can manage all your events on the platform upon your request. This is a separate service and is not included in the platform’s service fee. You can reach out to us, and we can recommend a specialist for you. Such services are priced individually and depend on the scope of work

You can set up a new system within a day as all the necessary functionality is integrated with WordPress. You can customize the system with your branded design. The ticketing platform is a White Label solution, ensuring that your business operates under your own brand.

ArenaSoldOut tilbyr alle nødvendige funksjoner for arrangementer av alle størrelser - fra intime konserter til store stadionkonserter.

Vi utnytter kraftige industriløsninger som garanterer høyeste pålitelighet.

Med over 8 års erfaring fra plattformene har teamet vårt omfattende kunnskap og ekspertise du kan stole på. Vi tilbyr førsteklasses kundestøtte - plattformen fungerer på alle kontinenter og støtter arrangementer av enhver størrelse og kompleksitet.


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